The tail wing saddle and the mast mounting sections remain unchanged, so tail wings and masts from the Original generation and the Plus generation remain compatible.
Thicker wings like the Wave series sit on the opposite side of the spectrum: their thickness make them practically inflexible, so stiffness isn't an issue. Instead, we use a foam core to reduce weight and add some layers of glass to improve durability and impact resistance.
Starboard Wind foils use a saddle system for the tail wing which is similar to the front wing saddle system, just smaller.
NEW FOR 2022

New thinner foil profiles with thin, narrow wing tips and an extra-high aspect ratio: the SLR wings are designed for maximum GPS speeds and slalom foiling.
560 SLR Evolution | Front Wing |
460 SLR Evolution | Front Wing |
390 SLR Evolution | Front Wing |
210 SLR | Tail Wing |
175 SLR | Tail Wing |
*Upgrade items only. Available from April 2022

The standard high modulus pre-impregnated carbon construction used on all Starboard Foils carbon wings and carbon masts since the Original generation.

The new ultra-high modulus carbon construction first used on the iQFoil mast. This ultra-high modulus carbon spec increases stiffness for more control and maximum performance.

The ultimate carbon spec. Exotic, exclusive, expensive. A limited run of masts from the 95cm 87° mold and the new 95cm 90° mold were built to the C600 spec. The ultimate in stability, control, power and performance. Available exclusively as an upgrade part.